A conservationist installing a BASC bird box

Best in the field

BASC is the UK’s largest shooting and conservation organisation, looking after the interests of 150,000 members.

Best in the field

BASC is the UK’s largest shooting and conservation organisation, looking after the interests of 150,000 members.

Specialist advice, political lobbying and exclusive member offers. Just some of the reasons you should join BASC today. 

Rural businesses

Shooting is worth £2 billion to the UK economy


Shooting supports up to 74,000 full-time jobs

Shooting contributes 3.9 million work days on conservation 

What does BASC stand for?

The latest news from BASC

two ducklings

What’s in the nest?

With reports of ducklings hatching out across the country, now is the perfect time to monitor any duck nest tubes you may have installed.